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40 kg weight loss in 3 months - 40 kg weight loss in 3 months

18-12-2016 à 21:07:24
40 kg weight loss in 3 months
It was an alarm bell as i started facing other Health Issues due to obesity. At the same time, I strongly recommend not to consult Dietitians. No offence to profession but i consulted 3 dietitians. The mere thought of Weight loss 6 months ago was like climbing Mount Everest or clearing IAS exam for me. Let me admit, I took the challenge of Weight Loss not willingly but considering my aggravating health issues. Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator is best way to calculate ideal weight. I did lot of research on weight loss and studied the diet composition very thoroughly before adopting the same. I read various case studies where people lost weight without compromising on fat in the diet though it is biggest culprit. WILL Power of an individual play very critical role, if you wish to succeed in this task. Let me be very honest that i myself thought of giving up multiple times during 1st Month. Statistics show that 98% people give up weight loss program within 1 week only. My honest confession, it is not easy to leave your favorite food. The one thing which kept me going was my single minded target of 81 kg. 2. Deferred Planning. Any deferred planning in weight loss like i will leave cold drinks after 2 weeks and pizza after 1 month or after my birthday will never work. Weight Loss is a team work, you need team to achieve (Family members) your target. After returning home, i used to see only empty wraps and boxes in dustbin. They also helped me in following my diet schedule as my diet plan was completely different. Some people have habit of checking weight every 3 hours. Trust me nothing is going to change overnight. 1st signs of success will be visible in 5-6 weeks. The best result will be seen between 2nd to 4th Month. After 4th month, the weight loss ratio will slow down considerably as body need time to adjust with these sudden changes. If you are following 1 diet pattern, have faith in same. As the baby cannot be delivered in 2 months, nature takes its own course similarly weight loss is a natural cycle which require lot of patience and discipline. Trust me drinking hot water has no co-relation with weight loss. Yoga should be done only under expert supervision else it can cause damage to Kidney or Liver. 8. Crash Diet is worst form of Weight Loss. Any weight loss due to crash diet result in weight gain at faster rate once you are back to normal diet. Crash diet can cause several other serious health concerns. Diet quality is more important compared to quantity. Mantra of successful Weight Loss is Eat Right instead of Eat Less. I have not cut down on quantity but started eating right food. 9. Body need all ingredients in right proportion. Some people completely cut down intake of sugar, non-veg or butter etc. It is wrong way of weight loss as our body need all key ingredients. Some are required in low quantity whereas others in high quantity. A good doctor never recommend complete cut down of sugar even to diabetic patient or butter to patient with heart diseases. You should avoid 10 type of Food items and you can eat 10 type of Food items. Dry Fruits excluding Cashew (1 handful daily) 8. As we all know that doctors suggest that rather having 2-3 heavy meals daily, we should have 4 portions of light meal. Following the same philosophy during weight loss period stick to following meal plan 1st Meal at 8 AM. In 1st meal, you can have a Glass of Milk, Dry Fruits and Boiled Egg. If you feel hungry, you can have 1 Brown bread sandwich. Besides these food items, you should not eat anything 2nd Meal at 12 PM. After 4 hour, you can have 2nd portion of meal for the day. Weight Loss Exercise Daily 40 Mins of Brisk walk for 3-4 days in a week is sufficient or 20 mins swimming 3-4 days in a week. Lastly, i must confess that weight loss is an addiction and now i have set a target of 75 Kg in next 3 months.

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40 kg weight loss in 3 months
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